Friday 10 May 2024

Reflections in the Water

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

A lot have been happening these past few weeks. I have been meaning to update this blog time and time again but was unable to due to busy multi-tasking. It has been a roller-coaster ride if you get what I mean. Not easy being a stay home ummi (mom) to 5 boys and a part-time student too. Lots of juggling and being all octopus-like 😉

Slowing Down

There was one time when the fyp on my TT was full of some kind of scandal which I don't even follow and such. It was intense I must say like continuously the same story with new revelations and such. A whole lot of drama with the comments being nasty, judgmental and such. Then there's other happenings which made my heart felt heavy and brain felt numb. The I guess, it is time to slow down... weird but even though I clicked "not interested", it will still appear as if saying read me and comment 😒😒😒So off with TT, IG and whatever for a while and just go direct to shopping online if need to 😁😁😁

Reflections in the Water

You know sometimes when you drink you like to stare at the water and just... stare. And then you start thinking about a million and one Whys.

Like why a woman hurts another woman when you expect someone of the same gender to understand how another is feeling. Seriously, I loved to think someone of the same gender will feel how I feel but no. Apparently, it is true humans are selfish and often blinded by their desires. Not many will be able to restrain themselves from following such desires. True enough the nafs is way evil than the syaitan in us. And those commenting and making a big deal out of the whole thing, do they even know the people involved personally? One thing I reflect upon and seemed to be proven true is that sometimes as human beings we think everyone around us are doing wrong things like this is not the way neither is that. We forgot that we are also humans, and we also err. Whatever that is happening to others might happen to us, so it is better to take care of our own mouths (meaning language). While I do not support such things, to criticise and humiliate others way too much is just not wise. In Islam there are adab in our lisan meaning oral meaning language, speech, etc. Sometimes you criticise or being so judgmental towards others that you forgot that you have husband, parents, children, etc. Like what if it happens to you. So be mindful in what you say especially in criticising others. Indeed, it is syiok for some people to jump in the wagon and criticise or humiliate or being all judgmental BUT be careful whatever or however you judge others, the same thing might happen to you, so if you can't say nice things then just don't say it. Simple as that. Talking about others is also considered gossiping or airing out the dirty laundry of others. 😉

Ah yes, I do reflect a lot while drinking or washing or anything related with water. Maybe the sound of water calms me down and allow me to ponder through a lot of stuffs. Seriously a lot runs through my mind. I will keep some others for another time. 

More Pondering... Be the water, Feel the water 😜

The selfishness of humans. Indescribable. 

Most humans think more of themselves than others and when others never think about them, they call others selfish. Mental breakdown mak tau!

Like seriously what are all these world leaders thinking when they see whatever is happening in Palestine and they don't attempt to like stop it, they can still say the israwil is victim and such. Wow! not only blind but yeah stated in the Qur'an about these bunch of people. Nakisuu ala ru usihim. Indeed, they are reversed upon their heads. They no longer think using the state of akal but down to state of lowliness. And if the same thing happens to them (like israwil), they know how to complain. Like you can do unto others the worst, but others can't do it to you. Tsk tsk tsk.. Disgusting spoilt brat behavior. The most arrogant, selfish and defiantly disobedient bunch!!!

Not only them... 

There are also others around us who decide on something and then ta daa... you are to comply with whatever that is decided. No one asks you for your opinion. when you speak up, they will put you down, well, majority wins 😒😒😒 Not everyone is privileged nor does everyone like to open up their aib (dirty laundry). Is it wrong to be mindful? If you don't like people telling you to do things that you don't agree on, then don't do unto others. No one is perfect, just be considerate... simplest form of respect. I am not directing to anyone but more like one of the whys that I have been pondering upon. Sometimes it is true when I saw this person who said, you might be in a chat group discussing things BUT the other members in that chat group might formed another chatgroup without you in it. And THAT is where the real discussion is. Looks like it is true... I have personally come across it many times. Family, friends, you name it... it is just that sometimes you feel better pretending not to know. And that is the reason why most messages just receive blue ticks 😏😏😏

Ok this entry has been quite lengthy. Till next time... I have done mirror reflection, water reflection, next where to reflect 😜😜😜

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