Monday, 15 April 2024

Eid Mubarak!!!

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم 

It has been quite some time since my last post. Ramadan had been great, alhamdulillah. Missing the holy month right now. It is a month of fasting and making new intentions. Getting re-connected to the Al-Qur'an. Afterall humans are not perfect and they do err. Their state if imaan is more or less up and down every single day so new intentions and re-connections are greatly needed. 

It is now the month of Syawal. Eid Mubarak!

The thing about Eid is that it is a joyous occasion, of course, after we successfully fasted (self-restrained) during the month of Ramadan. However, the dreadful thing is how it seems like, how do I put it, wanting to appear good and perfect to others. Ok before you get me wrong. What I meant is like how you ensure your house is so abnormally clean because you are afraid that some people will look and see and judge and spread. Like getting ready to get supervised. Get it? 

There is a saying," when you enter a person's home, pretend you are blind. And when you exit the person's home, pretend you are mute."

It basically means when you enter a person's house, do not look around and scan whatever around the house or make unnecessary comments. And when you exit from the person's house, pretend you are mute meaning do not go around passing judgements or telling others about the condition of the house or the stuffs the person has inside his/her house. Basically, just keep yourself to, well, yourself. Simple right BUT it is the most difficult thing to do for MOST people.

Other than that, Syawal is more like re-connecting with distant relatives, forming new bonds and eating lots of good food and cookies. A month of fasting followed by feasting. 

In Syawal itself, we have 6 days of optional fasting (a good opportunity for extra ibadah, in syaa Allah). It is a good time to qada' (repay) missed fast too, since our body and tummy are still used to fasting. 

This is only the first week of Syawal, soon will be the week of open houses. The week where people ordered or cook a buffet spread and set aside days where they will not go out visiting but stay home to welcome guests. Another week of feasting (that 6 days of optional fasting is also like detoxing your body). Where I am from and the culture I am being brought up in really practice "1 month of fasting followed by 1 month of Eid". A joyous occasion but must control the nafs in feasting. 😂😂😂

My online classes will resume tonight after a month of break and soon exams will follow. Raya is still Raya but study also need to study. Raya-ing with book along. 

There's a lot of things I feel like expressing but since it is Eid, I shall stop here.😁😁😁

Last but not least, Eid Mubarak! TaqabbalAllahu minna wa minkum. Minal 'aa-idin wal faizin💚🙏

Enjoy your blessed Eid with your loved ones.

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