Sunday, 14 January 2024

Mirror of Thoughts

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

It has been a while. The start of 2024 has been very hectic with the boys' starting new schools, new term, new classes and new environment. However, the news on my IG page as well as TT remains the same. Very sad and heartbreaking. Humans being all greedy, malicious, manipulating, just pure evil without even a little pinch of guilt. 

Anyways, not here to address the issues that I have been addressing in my previous posts. This time is about how shall I put it... Gratefulness or This vs That? 😏

Different people have different opinions but somehow maybe due to age, I have been reflecting a lot like really a whole lot on everything that have been happening. I have been trying to age gracefully but with all these thoughts flooding in, I doubt that the journey will be as graceful 😜

Ok here goes...

Someone who used to have financial issues has now become someone who can afford everything. Something to be happy or celebrate about, right? But what if that makes someone thrifty into someone who spends lavishly? which is better? A person humble, thrifty who puts needs before wants or someone who spends lavishly and put wants before needs... something to ponder about. Yeah, they deserve to spend their money BUT is wealth a guaranteed forever thing? What if the wealth given is a test given by Allah to see how grateful we are? Like if you are poor or financially constrained, will you curse, blame or whine all day or be grateful that you are given another chance to make your life better. In Islam, it can be scary if Allah keeps giving and giving despite the sins we are doing and how ungrateful we are. Ungrateful as in things are always never enough for us no matter how much He bestows his favors upon us. It is already stated in the Al-Qur'an that Allah will test us in whatever situation we are in in poor or in wealth. 

So, what I am trying to put across is not envy towards people bestowed with wealth but more like peering into the mirror to see things not only as a reflection but deeper. How scary it can be seeing people change? And let it be a reflection for us. Always be grateful and not take things for granted. Nothing in this world is permanent. Use what is being blessed upon us to perform good deeds as we are accountable for every little blessing bestowed upon us.

Eh, I am not saying that we can't self-reward ourselves, ya... more like sure, we can buy all the designer brand items we want but just not be wasteful, that's all. 

This year starts out with a lot of reflections. Looking into the mirror and reflect on how different we are from before. How have we changed? With the ongoing war in Pal3stin3 and other Arab countries, looking at their people struggling to live their lives and having that great tremendous faith. How are we affected? They just showed us how important to always be thankful. Money, branded items all gone within minutes or even seconds. Yet, they remain grateful. So, are we going to change the moment we are blessed with wealth, etc.? Are we going to splurge whenever we can afford to like every day? 

Not only with wealth but also with a lot of things we are always in the state of This vs That, the pro vs the cons, etc. 

As I type this, I am still reflecting and pondering. Looking deep into my mirror of thoughts always.

Hope 2024 will be better than 2023 for everyone! Hope that everyone will always be grateful, ya! Stop thinking and buying nonsense 😝😝😝 (a great reminder for me, my hubby can vouch for that! 😂)

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