بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
A lot of things have been happening these past few weeks. Happenings enough to make me cry a river and reflect deeply upon myself, my religion, my deeds and whatever that is around me. Happenings that make me feel the utmost grateful; for what Allah has blessed upon me as well as overwhelming sadness and hopelessness of being unable to do much to help my brothers, sisters and children while they bleed and suffered. The feeling of deep betrayal when the countries you expected to extend help did nothing and instead chooses the nikmat of the dunya as compared to the rewards of the akhirah.
One Ummah
Initially I don't really feel the One ummah as much since I don't really interact much. I am more of an introvert and only becomes and extrovert to those I am close and comfortable with. BUT with whatever that is currently happening, I can really feel the one ummah feeling. Like when my brothers, sisters and children are suffering in Palestine, I feel angered, sad, hopeless all at once. However, looking at how strong they are in their imaan and tawakkul to Allah SWT brought me to shame. It makes me realised how easy it is for me and anyone else to say that we put our trust in Allah but when we are tested, we often question "why?!" instead of saying Alhamdulillah. Through the test happening to them, they remind us to always be grateful and say Alhamdulillah in good and in bad because NOTHING happens without by the will of Allah SWT. They remind me of Sabr, Redha and always Tawakkul in Allah SWT. It makes me realised that we cannot trust anyone or anything besides HIM because humans will disappoint us most of the time, they will betray us most of the time and leave us in the lurch BUT Allah SWT will always be there for us. Always looking out for us and sending us help in HIS way.
Indeed, it is true that Allah will mislead whom He wills and He will guide whom He wills.
He puts a permanent seal on the hearts of the disbelievers. He covers their sight and hearing, so they wander around blindly.
There are a lot of verses in the Qur'an mentioning this. And now I find how true it is. There are some who will support the oppressors as if they did not see the suffering, the bleeding of the innocent. Their media trusts and reports the falsehood instead of the truth. Some raced ahead to stand in line with the oppressors for the reward of the temporary dunya instead of bracing themselves to stand with the truth for the reward of the everlasting Hereafter. Despite all betrayals and silence by majority of the leaders of the world, the beautiful Palestinians (both young and old) can still be grateful to Allah for everything even after losing everything dear to them in the dunya. That is so subhanAllah! No wonder their martyrs smell of musk, subhanAllah!
May Allah increase my as well as the muslimin and muslimat imaan and tawakkul to be like those of the Palestinians. May Allah instill in us the deep sense of shukr in whatever situation HE puts us in. May Allah help our brothers, sisters and children in Palestine to gain victory and freedom over the oppressors. May HE send down HIS aid and army to help our freedom fighters and people of Palestine. May Allah send an azab ever-painful, ever-great and ever humiliating to the oppressors. May Allah open the eyes of the leaders, journalists and people of the world. Aamiin 💚😔
#freepalestine #solidaritywithpalestine #muhasabahdiri #self-reflection
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