Friday, 1 December 2023

The One That Beats

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

The happenings in the past few days make me ponder a lot. I am a "work-in-progress" and I seriously need to cleanse the most important part of myself which is the one that beats. Yes, the heart. The most important, vulnerable part of a human being. That which can cause envy, perception, judgements, good feels you name it. That slightest doubt passing through the heart is enough to make a person be suspicious of another. That slightest heart flutter is enough to make a person be captivated by another. See it is all from the heart. 

The disease that I am afraid of comes from the heart. Envy, Pride, Arrogance, Doubt, Greed, etc. Root of all evils. Thus, cleansing of the heart is very important.

Ok back to the happenings and the pondering. Well, as a person I am wondering about the actions, words of another. Like when a person does something syirik and yes declares himself/ herself as a Muslim, how do they feel, what are they thinking? Because Islam is a monotheist faith where we believe in Allah being the One and Only god of the worlds. And associating partners with him is not exactly what a monotheist should do. We sought for help only from Him, praise Him alone, submit and worship Him alone as well as put our trust and reliance upon Him alone. HasbunAllah wa Nikmal Wakeel... Allah suffices for me.So when a person performs something syirik doesn't that means he/she has associated partners with Allah. It is mentioned a few times in the Qur'an in regard to associating partners and sihr. So really what are people thinking and what is it that comes across their hearts in such thoughts?

Another is in giving advices, do people ponder before saying anything? Do people reflect upon themselves and think things through carefully on how to get the message across to others? For me the most difficult part in giving advices is that a person needs to carefully reflect and construct their words in order for the message to get across without undermining the other person. Most importantly is the heart, educate the heart to be neutral and not feel as if what is being put across as something that is forceful. Also, not to feel the greatness and arrogance as one giving advices because after all whatever that comes out of our mouths reflect our hearts and is by the will of Allah. Always bearing in mind we are human beings, and it is human to err. We are not perfect and so are others. Like my mak always remind "Do unto others like how you want others to do unto you." 

Always remember to self-reflect before advising others. Advising others is like a self-reminder to our self. Practice what you preach. Good deeds done in silence are way better. It helps the heart from feeling riak. And Ustazah F ever reminded that the moment you just thought about feeling "what if I did this and people view me as riak?" ... That itself shows the existence of riak in your heart. 

So, see the vulnerability of the one that beats i.e. the Heart. Always strive to clean it by having husnuzhon instead of su'uzhon.

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

In the Nutshell

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

As we all know, the genocide happening is Palestine is getting worst. The whole world is getting heated up with support for our beloved Palestine. 

In the midst of this, there are also other negativity going on. People tend to criticize other people for their choices or their way of showing support. Allah SWT creates humans different from one another. If we are all the same, then there will be peace on earth as everyone think alike and in agreement with one another. But the dunya is just a temporary settlement and a place full of trials for the good and the bad, for the wealthy and the poor, etc. We are constantly tested with what we have and what we don't so that we learn to show gratitude to HIM in any situation.

Just because a person thinks this is the right way to show support does not mean that everyone thinks the same way or even able to do the same. Each country has its own laws. Even though the citizens do not agree with the government, that does not mean they can just go amok and pay hefty fines. What is being portrayed by the media or what you see may not be all the truth. How much the citizen spends in your country does not justify their status and standard of wealth. It just shows the difference in the currency exchange rate and that's it. Being a citizen from another country that allows demonstrates and such does not give you the right to spread negativity about citizen from another country with strict governance. A person won't know how it feels like living in that particular country. The laws, the fines, the standard of living, etc. Just because we go to another country and spend more does not mean we are rich at all. Like I said, it just means the currency exchange rate is good. 

In the SHELL

You can view us as people who are well to do, dressed well, manage to travel and such. Some even view us as arrogant. But please do not that handful of arrogant people you come across does not represent a majority of us. So don't think you know our country well when what you see is not even in the nutshell. What you see is just the shell. The fact is that we are a minority doing our best to show our support to our brothers and sisters in the Palestine in our own way within the laws that are binding us. You see us as wealthy, but the fact is that every day we struggled to pay the bills, to make ends meet. You see us living in our own apartments but what you don't know is that we are paying for our apartment monthly. The fact is that you do not see the homeless or the less fortunate area or people in our country. For some of you who have not visit our country before, the citizens of our country that you meet are mostly from the middle-income people who save up part of their wages to bring their families over to travel to your country on holiday. They might even be staying in one of the affordable lodgings in your country. 

Adab ABOVE Knowledge

So, what right have you to pass judgements? What right have you to think negative of us when you don't even live the everyday lives that we live? What right have you to criticize us of the way we show our support when you are not the ones bound by the strict laws and fines? What right have you to pass judgement on how we practice our Deen and how religious we are? You are NOT us and We are NOT you so save the criticisms and judgements. 

Islam teach us to have husnuzon towards others and self-reflect upon ourselves always. Islam is a religion of peace, and we are ONE ummah. No one is perfect because we are humans. To err IS human. It is disappointing to see citizens from an Islamic country passing negativity and hurtful remarks to THEIR brothers and sisters in another country. Our level of knowledge is nothing compared to the sahabahs of Rasulullah SAW. So please be respectful and have ADAB above knowledge.

Sunday, 19 November 2023

River of Reflections

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

A lot of things have been happening these past few weeks. Happenings enough to make me cry a river and reflect deeply upon myself, my religion, my deeds and whatever that is around me. Happenings that make me feel the utmost grateful; for what Allah has blessed upon me as well as overwhelming sadness and hopelessness of being unable to do much to help my brothers, sisters and children while they bleed and suffered. The feeling of deep betrayal when the countries you expected to extend help did nothing and instead chooses the nikmat of the dunya as compared to the rewards of the akhirah.

One Ummah

Initially I don't really feel the One ummah as much since I don't really interact much. I am more of an introvert and only becomes and extrovert to those I am close and comfortable with. BUT with whatever that is currently happening, I can really feel the one ummah feeling. Like when my brothers, sisters and children are suffering in Palestine, I feel angered, sad, hopeless all at once. However, looking at how strong they are in their imaan and tawakkul to Allah SWT brought me to shame. It makes me realised how easy it is for me and anyone else to say that we put our trust in Allah but when we are tested, we often question "why?!" instead of saying Alhamdulillah. Through the test happening to them, they remind us to always be grateful and say Alhamdulillah in good and in bad because NOTHING happens without by the will of Allah SWT. They remind me of Sabr, Redha and always Tawakkul in Allah SWT. It makes me realised that we cannot trust anyone or anything besides HIM because humans will disappoint us most of the time, they will betray us most of the time and leave us in the lurch BUT Allah SWT will always be there for us. Always looking out for us and sending us help in HIS way. 

Indeed, it is true that Allah will mislead whom He wills and He will guide whom He wills. 

He puts a permanent seal on the hearts of the disbelievers. He covers their sight and hearing, so they   wander around blindly.

There are a lot of verses in the Qur'an mentioning this. And now I find how true it is. There are some who will support the oppressors as if they did not see the suffering, the bleeding of the innocent. Their media trusts and reports the falsehood instead of the truth. Some raced ahead to stand in line with the oppressors for the reward of the temporary dunya instead of bracing themselves to stand with the truth for the reward of the everlasting Hereafter. Despite all betrayals and silence by majority of the leaders of the world, the beautiful Palestinians (both young and old) can still be grateful to Allah for everything even after losing everything dear to them in the dunya. That is so subhanAllah! No wonder their martyrs smell of musk, subhanAllah!

May Allah increase my as well as the muslimin and muslimat imaan and tawakkul to be like those of the Palestinians. May Allah instill in us the deep sense of shukr in whatever situation HE puts us in. May Allah help our brothers, sisters and children in Palestine to gain victory and freedom over the oppressors. May HE send down HIS aid and army to help our freedom fighters and people of Palestine. May Allah send an azab ever-painful, ever-great and ever humiliating to the oppressors. May Allah open the eyes of the leaders, journalists and people of the world. Aamiin 💚😔

#freepalestine #solidaritywithpalestine #muhasabahdiri #self-reflection