بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
It has been a long time since my last post in 2024. We have since then entered year 2025. May this year be wayyy better for all of us. May Allah grant us our du'a and may our problems be solved this year.
I try not to blabber much since this is my 1st post for year 2025 😜😜 but you know my posts are mostly reflections looking back on whatever is happening, figuring out lessons from such happenings and such.
Over the past few months, I have realised how I took the simplest joys in life for granted. My children, my health, appetite, laughter, etc. The simple blessing of being able to wake up in the morning on a brand-new day. That deep sleep through the night and that power nap during the day. Those are the normal regular things. Little as they are but taken for granted most of the time because it is a norm like everyone goes through it every day every night. But... those who know, know how important such things are and how much they will affect us should we lack of it and deprived of it.
The second half of 2024 taught me alot of things. To always moisten my lips with remembrance of HIM and Prophet Muhammad SAW. Indeed, in remembrance of HIM, the heart finds peace and tranquility. Indeed, such simple actions/ habits prove powerful. Nothing happens without His will. Kun Faya Kun... Nothing is impossible for HIM and to have full utmost tawakkul in HIM.
There were times when I used to do alot of dhikr and as times goes by, that dhikr got lesser and lesser and soon I had no time for it. I did it as and when. Not a very good example I must say but I am only human whose Imaan does go up and down 😔 I guess Allah's love for me is so great more than I love myself for when I seem to be consumed by worldly matters, the time spent prostrating to HIM got shorter and shorter... 😭He guided me back in a way that awakens me. I can't say I hit rock bottom because there are always people in a much worse condition, but it was how do I put it, challenging, alhamdulillah. That was when I went reflected more on my actions. I claimed I am a Muslim but how many times in a day I remember Him, how many times in a day I thanked Him, is my heart even present when I performed my solat, etc. I am lacking in so many ways. I learnt to let go of matters beyond my control, to control my tongue, to think more before responding, to always always prostrate sincerely, wholeheartedly and importantly always istighfar and always say alhamdulillah in whatever conditions good or bad. 😌😌😌
I came across this sharing online and it just resonates with me. It is in Malay (will translate it in English to my best knowledge 😁)
Allah yang mengujimu dengan sesuatu, Allah juga yang akan menolongmu keluar dari ujian itu.
Saat Allah memberimu sakit, Allah yang biayai pengubatanmu.
Saat Allah memberi beratnya beban dipundakmu, Allah yang memberikan kesabaran di hatimu.
Saat Allah membiarkan kamu mengalami kecewa dan patah hati, Allah yang menyembuhkan hatimu.
Dan saat Allah mengujimu dengan manusia, Allah juga dengan cara Nya yang menolongmu terlepas darinya.
Basically, everything happens by Allah's will. Nothing will ever happen if He does not allow Him. He is the One who puts you to trial and He will help you go through it. He bless you with ailment and He will cure you. He places a burden upon you and He will instill patience in you. He will make you go through disappointment so that He will heal your heart. He will test you in your relations with people but He will help you in His way. So put your trust in HIM, leave matters to HIM, do your utmost best and He will help you in His way. Allah will never ever harm or intend anything bad. There's always a blessing in disguise, have yaqin in HIM and keep on striving. Allah SWT will make things better, much better, wayy better than before, in syaa Allah.
💖💖💖We are humans, it is human to err. Just learn and reflect and move forward. The past will remain the past, the future is unpredictable, and the present is indeed a gift 💖💖💖