Friday, 1 December 2023

The One That Beats

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

The happenings in the past few days make me ponder a lot. I am a "work-in-progress" and I seriously need to cleanse the most important part of myself which is the one that beats. Yes, the heart. The most important, vulnerable part of a human being. That which can cause envy, perception, judgements, good feels you name it. That slightest doubt passing through the heart is enough to make a person be suspicious of another. That slightest heart flutter is enough to make a person be captivated by another. See it is all from the heart. 

The disease that I am afraid of comes from the heart. Envy, Pride, Arrogance, Doubt, Greed, etc. Root of all evils. Thus, cleansing of the heart is very important.

Ok back to the happenings and the pondering. Well, as a person I am wondering about the actions, words of another. Like when a person does something syirik and yes declares himself/ herself as a Muslim, how do they feel, what are they thinking? Because Islam is a monotheist faith where we believe in Allah being the One and Only god of the worlds. And associating partners with him is not exactly what a monotheist should do. We sought for help only from Him, praise Him alone, submit and worship Him alone as well as put our trust and reliance upon Him alone. HasbunAllah wa Nikmal Wakeel... Allah suffices for me.So when a person performs something syirik doesn't that means he/she has associated partners with Allah. It is mentioned a few times in the Qur'an in regard to associating partners and sihr. So really what are people thinking and what is it that comes across their hearts in such thoughts?

Another is in giving advices, do people ponder before saying anything? Do people reflect upon themselves and think things through carefully on how to get the message across to others? For me the most difficult part in giving advices is that a person needs to carefully reflect and construct their words in order for the message to get across without undermining the other person. Most importantly is the heart, educate the heart to be neutral and not feel as if what is being put across as something that is forceful. Also, not to feel the greatness and arrogance as one giving advices because after all whatever that comes out of our mouths reflect our hearts and is by the will of Allah. Always bearing in mind we are human beings, and it is human to err. We are not perfect and so are others. Like my mak always remind "Do unto others like how you want others to do unto you." 

Always remember to self-reflect before advising others. Advising others is like a self-reminder to our self. Practice what you preach. Good deeds done in silence are way better. It helps the heart from feeling riak. And Ustazah F ever reminded that the moment you just thought about feeling "what if I did this and people view me as riak?" ... That itself shows the existence of riak in your heart. 

So, see the vulnerability of the one that beats i.e. the Heart. Always strive to clean it by having husnuzhon instead of su'uzhon.